• HoudiniEsq Legal Practice Software in the Cloud
    No Hype
    Case Management
    Anywhere, Any Time, Any Device
    Web-based, in the Cloud or On-premise
  • Manage your practice from anywhere on any device.
    I have "captured" so much billable time since implementing HoudiniEsq. - William Burns Esq.
  • HoudiniEsq Legal Practice Software in the Cloud
    Home & Office
    Online Legal Software
    That Actually Delivers
    100% Turnkey. You don't need any other software.
    No Database server required
    No Application server required
    No expensive hardware is required

Any Device

Manage your Legal Practice from anywhere. Our web-based product can be installed locally (on premise) or you can sign up for a on-line account (Cloud). Both options are web accessible. The only difference is where your data will be stored. Your own computer, or ours.

Feature rich

Manage clients, matters, email, documents, task, todos, notes, time, invoices, fees, expenses, trust, staff, and so much more. Expand your practice geographically while maintaining your data centrally.

Seamless Integration

Integrates with Outlook, Word, Excel, QuickBooks, Google Calendar, Google Drive, CalendarRules.com, SoftFile.com, and the US Postal Service.

Any Practice Area

Customize tables, forms, and fields. Fields can be added by type, sub-type, status code, and custom attributes, or any combination thereof. Eliminate repetitive error prone task while improving staff productivity with our exclusive Workflow Automation features.

I have "captured" so much billable time since implementing HoudiniEsq.

William P. Burns Jr Esq

Some of HoudiniEsq features are far ahead of any other system currently available.

Seth Roland - TechoLawyer Peer Review